Din3D files are quickly and simply imported in MAXON Cinema 4D. There is a direct link to ArchiCAD. Replacement of changed model is also possible while all the material settings and other changes remain.
The objective of the development of this file format was that it could, as much as possible, provide the visualization programs with the information of the structure and hierarchy of ArchiCAD beside the 3D model. The model was complemented C4D, this information did not lose in the upgrade. Very fast plugin.
Note: Not compatible with AC4D and AC4D+ formats.
Selective importing
The following ArchiCAD’s content can be imported:
- 3D model
- Lights
- Cameras
- Materials
- Textures
- Stories
- Classes (wall, ceiling, etc….)
- Layers
- Elements
- Materials
- Import ArchiCAD objects as single objects.
- In addition, it is possible to import ArchiCAD objects as ‘Instances’.
- The importer can be used the built-in Cinema 4D optimizations (currently)
- Unicode support: different language characters can be received correctly from ArchiCAD.
- Fast model update
- The importer saves the complete import settings.
- Useful Tags in update method
- A few useful commands that make it easier for small daily use.
- Sort by Name
- Remove Empty ‘Null Objects’
Actual Version: 2.60
(2023-09-23 Changelog)
Download and try Din3D importer plugin for Cinema 4D.
In Demo version you can import 10 times, but model update is not possible.
Din3D is available now for 39 Euros in webshop.
Remember that the importer plugin itself is good for nothing. To use it, you’ll need the exporter as well. The Din3D exporter for ArchiCAD is available free of charge.
System Requirements
OS compatibility:
- Windows
- Mac OSX
- Cinema 4D R16
- Cinema 4D R17
- Cinema 4D R18
- Cinema 4D R19
- Cinema 4D R20
- Cinema 4D S21
- Cinema 4D S22
- Cinema 4D S23
- Cinema 4D S24
- Cinema 4D S25
- Cinema 4D S26
- Cinema 4D 2023
- Cinema 4D 2024
The copyright of the Din3D plugin is by István Pozderka.
ArchiCAD is registered trademark of Graphisoft.
3ds Max is registered trademark of Autodesk.
Cinema 4D is registered trademark of Maxon.
All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.